
SoundTracx t1_jedyxji wrote

And easterners are so privileged that they shoot fresh clean water up their butts. Us westerners are just starting to learn the ways of booty cleaning.

And people from Africa are privileged to have three different types of defecting ways. They have both the western and eastern style of toilets as well as the squat style that some eastern countries also use. So efficient it barely even needs water if any at all and can be reused for composting.


SoundTracx t1_jdvp8xs wrote

I see where you are coming from but feudalism is rewarding innovation the entire time.

A lord gives your family a plot of land to live on. You are a freeman, the only thing is you have to pay either with serviceship in the lords army or with taxes(harvests, tools, equipment, etc).

You could innovate by creating a new product in your trade that’s a hit across your kingdom. Several blacksmiths and guilds were well known throughout Europe and Asia as well. This innovation could lead you to financial freedom.

The problem with todays view on feudalism is that it was mostly just serfs and lords, there were a lot of freedman and freedwomen who went by many different things but were still labeled as “peasants” and when we hear the term peasants we automatically assume serfdom. While not entirely wrong it’s just a generalization.

If you were a serf you could possibly buy your way into a guild/gild (however you wanna spell it), or just buy your freedom. You could become an apprentice which automatically takes you out of serfdom.

The fastest way out of serfdom is through the church in feudalism. You yourself or one of your children need to pay for an apprenticeship to become part of the clergy. So you and your wife construct a shoddy loom and start weaving some cloth with some spare flax. You sell this to pay for your child’s education so they can get you out of serfdom or have the chance to get out of serfdom.

We see these same things play out in everyday life in any capitalistic country today.


SoundTracx t1_j9enamg wrote

If it’s sentient it has emotions and will react like a human would. It would still be affected by its environment.

Sentience means the capacity to feel emotions. Ai would have to experience plain and pleasure like us.

Some humans are very apathetic and are numb to most feelings, would an AI that can experience emotions be more sentient than a human who’s apathetic? I’d assume so, they would act more like us if we interacted with it compared to say a psychopath who feels very limited emotions.


SoundTracx t1_j8djq66 wrote

No there’s many research papers on those topics you can read yourself! Here’s one about the multiverse:

There are people who make pseudoscientific theories/claims and even papers but most of them barely make it past peer review.


SoundTracx t1_j8div9v wrote

I’m sure with a massive amount of energy and effort we could manage it. Say we figure out wormholes maybe.

For all we know the other universes could have completely different sets of laws of physics. Or maybe the other universes are just copies of our own from every single possibility or maybe ours is a copy of another.

I’m sorry to say that the answer to your question is only hypothetical but it’s impossible to really know with the information we know now.


SoundTracx t1_j1p2jy2 wrote

Your conscious for all we know isn’t even connected to your body in terms of we know of. It could literally just be 1s and 0s but in biological terms.

Past memories we’ve studied to be mostly false to what actually happened. What you remember isn’t true. In fact most of it isn’t. It’s why humans used songs to pass down information in story form instead of using just our memories. Those stories while can be changed like our memories tend to have more legitimate history.

I’m not saying you remembering what food you had for dinner last night type of memory but more long term. Humans are terrible with long term memories, unless they were traumatic in some way.

You could wake up with false memories tomorrow and still be you for all “you” know. This is where it gets very tricky. We don’t know what “you” is. Is it your memories? If it is then shit my idea works fine. If it’s not then it’s going to be more difficult.

A clone of you is just you, but not “you”. So Star Trek teleportation is not this. It’s still “you” being transferred from one location to the next.

If we could do the matter -> energy -> matter teleportation and even fix or cure ailments during that process which includes the degradation of DNA then we could in theory live forever.

There’s many many solutions to the problem, only one needs to be correct. But it still doesn’t solve the problems that come with it


SoundTracx t1_j1oy3iy wrote

Is it possible? Yes.

Is it feasible anytime soon? No.

We will get to the point where we can upload our conscious to a cloud like thing. These can be built around red dwarfs that last for millions upon millions of years more than our own sun.

I mean it’s possible for us to reverse entropy for all we know. There’s no set yes or no rules to life, humanity has bent or removed nearly every rule in its path.

Time will tell like most things, we most likely won’t see this technology but maybe our children’s children will with the way things are going.

Living in a virtual world where you can be your own god or even a world where every need is met and you can do whatever you wish to do with those you love most.

Is it fair for those who came before you? Is it fair for you and your family to live together forever when billions upon billions of humans have died?

There’s a lot of maturing humanity needs before we even think about the possibility of eternal life. We are not prepared for that future or it’s problems.