
SoundsLikeBanal t1_j3af21g wrote

I'm swimming in the ocean. My friends are standing on the shore cheering for me. Telling me I've got this. I can do it. I can be brave.

They're so encouraging. They believe in me. Even though they can see that I'm not really swimming -- I'm just kind of treading water -- they're still giving it their all.

I love them so much. I love them so much it hurts. They're trying so hard to help me.

I want to make them happy.

Still, there's a voice in my head that I can't quiet. A question that I can't answer.

It sits with me because, well... I hate to say it, but I'm not an idiot. I can see that they're not out here with me. They don't know how bad it really is. They don't understand how close I am to going under.

They're on the beach with their toes in the warm sand.

It's easy to tell someone to confront the deepest, darkest recesses of their mind. It's harder to confront it with them.

You want me to "talk to someone"... so why won't you listen to me?