
SourceOwn9222 t1_j5i0qww wrote

Ummmm, I like Ruth Ware and I read it this year and . . . I remember nothing about it. Probably not a good sign.

EDIT: I went back to my review and remember it. I didn’t like the time changes, but I thought that the present tense story was good. I was annoyed by the pregnancy. But. Not her best, not her worst. I still prefer her to Lucy Foyle.


SourceOwn9222 t1_j5h4fmj wrote

Oh yeah. I lose time reading all the time. I MADE myself not read fiction in college (unless it was fanfic, lol) because I have no willpower when it comes to a good book. I read before falling asleep, but last night I was in bed at 10 and was still awake at 1 before I finally put the book down. I always think there could be worse addictions . . .