
Sparrow186 t1_iubxz6q wrote

Laws are just like locks, they only keep honest people honest, and in today’s day and age where there’s almost 0 consequences for breaking the law why obey? I do because I was raised that way and out of fear, but there seems to be literally zero consequence to driving like a fucking maniac on the roads these days. And now the people who are supposed to legislate that shit just say oh yeah and Exempt from all of it? Hard pass.


Sparrow186 t1_iubw63h wrote

So if the government can get hacked that means anyone can track you were me but we’re not important enough to be protected? That seems to be a trend with this state government. It’s total bullshit that they can do whatever they want with impunity but you and me have to follow all the rules, and I’m never gonna stop calling them out on that bullshit.
