
SpeakingNight t1_jbuftwq wrote

I was upset by the movie!

Obviously not something to dwell on, but the book had a perfect ambiguous ending where they made a choice to weather the storm together with love, whatever may happen.

It was beautiful.

The movie? Religious nutsos were actually right, the end. I needed something more than just "huh, they were right"

In general I'm okay with creative differences in adaptations, but not with who lives or dies. That's too important to the story.


SpeakingNight t1_ja2x77x wrote

Just making sure, do you actually like reading?

Like, have you ever truly loved a book to the point that you want to kiss the cover when you're done? You enjoyed every second of reading it? You're smiling and thinking THAT WAS EPIC!

If you don't enjoy reading, it's ok! It's a hobby like anything else.

If you do enjoy it but struggle and just want to do it more, put your alarm every day for 20 minutes and read for those 20 minutes, no distractions.

You'll see that reading becomes a daily habit that way, and you may even want keep reading after the 20 mins are up!

Bring your book with you when you leave the house too.

In terms of not finishing books often - maybe go for smaller books under 200 pages for a while?

Change up the genre too - a fast-paced horror book feels VERY different than a literary fiction story.


SpeakingNight t1_iugeuqi wrote

Some people much prefer non-fiction and to read about the real world, and that's totally fine. No one can police or judge a reading preference.

But since you wrote here, keep this in mind : writing stories is something absolutely beautiful that humans do.

Remember that a human wrote that book, a human wrote that movie or tv script. Pouring emotions and showing what it means to be human into someone else's mind is so incredible.

That's why I love reading.Reading makes us more human and more empathetic because of this.

By the way, Star Trek has caused so many INTENSE debates (that spanned years) in my family about ethical and moral situations that could never happen on earth. And that's amazing 😅 so even fantasy can make you question your own humanity.

Enjoy whatever you like reading, fiction or not, but fiction will always have incredible value in my eyes.