
SpectralMagic t1_ix2ahup wrote

A lot of modern gaming is social, that's what is attractive to Zoomers. Socializing is good for people, especially if you are only having to deal with some random asshat for one match. Its much easier to be yourself online when you get to choose what you share to people. Hanging out with friends, just vibing is totally good for you if that's difficult to do irl


SpectralMagic t1_ito5hvo wrote

Common Solar panels lose efficiency at ~1% annually if I recall correctly. You'd need to replace them in the long term, and possibly find a better source of energy production like hydro and wind. Obviously that's nothing if you're powering just for yourself, and who's to say they won't last 80+ years with minimal wear. Just sharing a small thought about solar in a world where you can't produce more of them


SpectralMagic t1_it4a705 wrote

Waiting on the hybrid for maximum efficiency 🧠 Also interested in using the heat to boil a fluid to rotate yet another engine 🧠🧠 Someone must put me on the creators board of big energy, if you're going to rob investors atleast make it sound cool
