
SphericalBitch2020 t1_j6bkuy0 wrote

Another doctor, doctor joke....

A man goes into doctors surgery with a frog sitting on his forehead.

What can I do for you, sir? asks the doctor.

A week ago, I got a pimple on my bum and now see what it has grown into, said the frog.


SphericalBitch2020 t1_j66to3f wrote

While I have never been to Nigeria and can't vouch for their sorghum beers tasting like stout. They traditionally brewed various foodstuffs in iron pots with resulting richly tasting liquid. Because of the amount of iron absorbed into the slightly acid fermented product, the risks of iron overload are real, plus liver cancer.

I just wonder if this traditional habit explains their liking for Guinness?




SphericalBitch2020 t1_j5ndxi2 wrote

This has reminded me of the Melzack & Wall gate theory of pain control..... is an interesting topic to read about.... and explains.why rubbing a bruised area brings relief to many. Acupressure may be explained by this.




SphericalBitch2020 t1_j48lsty wrote

I recall assisting in a gynaecology operation when we had delivery of amniotic membranes from our neighbouring obstetrics ward. These were used to line our operation patient's vaginal vault cavity as she had vulvovaginal cancer. The treatment was a success, although I had moved in my medical rotation and never found out if she was cured. All we wanted was a lining tissue to cover the raw wound surfaces to allow closure without deep internal suturing. There was thus no concern re allograft rejection. The surgeon, a Mr G Smart, believed that placental tissues were somehow protected from being rejected by the patient's immune cells. Pretty innovative thinking.