
Spicy_Sugary t1_itba3aw wrote

"That case had been brought by two men, Brendan Thoms and Daniel Love, who were born overseas and faced deportation after stints in jail."

Again they were able to be deported as foreign nationals. Once they used the loophole that doesn't allow Aboriginal people to be deported, they were allowed to stay because we can't deport Aboriginal people.

My dog learns quicker than this.


Spicy_Sugary t1_itb8tlf wrote

Each of the men in the article (that you haven't read) were white foreign nationals born overseas at risk of deportation until they found a way to claim Aboriginal heritage. Then so they could not be deported because we can't deport Aboriginal people

So it's the literal opposite of what you claimed.


Spicy_Sugary t1_itb7wzu wrote

I'm familiar with the case. A white New Zealand citizen was convicted of beating his ex wife was at risk of deportation. He found a family member with Aboriginal heritage and used it to claim he's Aboriginal.

He could not be deported because the law does not allow Aboriginal people to be deported. So it's the opposite of what you claimed.

Now tell us about the 'concentration camps'. Should be fun.