
Spiritual_Sky_8125 t1_iy0qc3a wrote

You heard it right, that's my job. Killing warriors. That's what i do for a living. He says to me: "But i thought warriors are good guys?" I shake my head and smile. Also brainwashed. I decide not to tell him the story right then and there, but i take him to a private place, and there i decide to tell him the whole story.

The warriors brainwashed civilians. They began hunting on what is arguably the most important thing on this planet. Manticores. You proceed to tell him how the warriors work for the government and they are profiting. But they failed to brainwash 2 people. Me, and Culuthon. Who he is and how i met him doesn't matter. All that's matters is that he is the one that gives me my missions.

You decide to tell him absolutely everything you know. And then he asks you if he can help. You kindly tell him no. He starts to get angry, and makes a bit too much noise for my liking. As an experienced hunter, i understood that there are probably warriors that heard us. So i tell him to shut the fuck up, or he will die. At that point, i hear a few walking up the hill, to where we are. They are coming from behind, so i camouflage myself. I tell him to do the same, but he doesn't listen.

And there they are. Two big guys, with a smaller one in between them. Only the big ones carry weapons.A weak formation, so probably amateurs. Thank god. Whilst i have my hand on my gun at all times, i'm still worried what will happen if they find me. I'm highly experienced with camouflage and know how to make them walk past me. Anyways, they start asking the standard questions. "What are you doing here?" "You shouldn't be here." And when the question "Is anyone else with you?" Comes, i'm begging for him not to snitch me out. He doesn't.

I can see them getting annoyed. You don't wanna annoy these guys. I know how powerful they are. He doesn't. Fatal mistake there. He gets them really pissed and eventually they kick him to the ground and shoot in his head. I do my best not to reveal myself by blowing the guy's head off right at that moment.

I wait what they will do. I hear them saying: "We can't report that." Eventually they walk over to the corpse and start fucking playing. I completely lose my shit, jump out of the bush, knock a big guy down, shoot the second big guy in the head while on the ground. I then get up, knowing i can take the small one on one. He tries to reach for one of the guns, but i put a bullet through it and neutralize the weapons. He then tries to wrestle me. This small guy thinks he can wrestle me? Sure. I wrestle him for a while and i win. I shoot him through the head, take 2 steps back, and salute the dead. It's what i always do.

Then i discover something i have never seen before. On their uniforms i found little recorders. The lights are still on, meaning they are probably still recording. I get out 3 notes and all write on them:

"We can't report that."

"Yes, I'm the one that's been killing your men for years now. You might be the next one."

I all lay it on their bodies. I take the corpse of the guy i was talking to, and get out of there, knowing if i stay there longer they're gonna find me. I go to my house, and bury his corpse close to my yard. You will be remembered. The next day i get a mission from Culuthon. It's important. This is one of the highest ranking warriors. We can't fuck this up. You see, i live in the woods near the city, which is at the coast. Culuthon tells me that this time i will have to shoot near the city, something i always hated. This was the plan:

  • Target comes out of the city and comes in a convoy of security into the woods.

  • He is gonna come next to a hill, which is perfect for camouflaging.

  • He will come in the late afternoon, meaning i can easily camouflage myself on the east side of a hill, which is opposite to the path he will be walking on.

  • I then strike on the target and using the cover of shadow, i stay still. After they leave, i go home.

Fairly straightforward, right? This is how it went. I arrived at the hill i had to shoot from. It was very steep, and there were probably 2-3 spots i could fire from. I chose for the best one, lined up my gun, and waited for him to come. You see, i always bring my sniper, a shotgun, and a classic AK-47.

It took an hour longer than expected, but they finally arrived. I decided not to waste any time, and fire straight through his neck. Killed in 1 shot. Only when i saw the backup security i realized in how much trouble i was in. We had though there were less than 10 people I'd have to deal with, but there were more than 30.

After i confirmed i have enough rounds for everybody, i began firing like crazy. They didn't know what was hitting them. They looked so damn confused they began firing in all directions. Eventually one hit the grass besides me. I knew to stay calm. These creatures have inhumane sight. If i move a single bodypart more than my finger they would see me. The last did. He missed his shot. I didn't.

"If you kill one, i'll kill 30."


Spiritual_Sky_8125 t1_iy0hain wrote

I, my friend and a co-worker were on a research trip to some planet a few Lightyears away. I was taking notes, my co-worker was reading, and my friend was i thought examining an animal. We needed to go to a next location, so i say that to my friend. No response. I say it again, harder now. No response. That's when i see him there, crouching over it. That's when i realize.

I grab my co-worker's arm and tell him that we need to go. He looks at my friend and doesn't hesitate. We pack our shit as fast as we can, get on the ship and get the fuck out of there. We needed to do that because we knew what would've happened if we stayed there any longer.

You see, when we first observed this substance, only one member of the research team of 300 got back to tell the story. It was fucking horrifying. He said that one person drank it, and the substance infects them, and the people that touch that person. But that's not all. If you become infected, you won't be saved. It looks exactly like water, but it's camouflage isn't the most dangerous. He died only seconds after he told his story to me. Nothing seemed wrong, he just..... dropped.

When it infects you, you are instantly braindead and it controls you. The problem is that this thing isn't stupid. In fact, it's main tactic is to stay where it is, and eventually people are gonna gather around you. It keeps it's head down, because the eye color changes. When there are enough humans standing around, it starts to attack. And it's fast. Faster than we thought the human body could physically move. That is why I told my co-worker that we needed to get the fuck out of there, because who knows what it's gonna do.