
Spurs_are_shite t1_j6jai2s wrote

I used to live in mission hill, In 2016 I bought a used 2014honda accord, clear history for 6 yrs, I was 23 then, I got quoted 1700/6 mo by Safety, 1800/progressive, 2200/AAAmapfre... Settled for Geico at 1200.

Moved to Quincy a month later and my insurance dropped to 600/6

A yr later I got a speeding ticket and my insurance only barely went up.

Geico is really good and definitely saved me more than 15% in 15 mins.


Spurs_are_shite t1_j6e2wpw wrote

Living in an 800sq ft 2bedroom with baseboard heating heated by gas, no central air (use 2 12K BTU to cool down apartment in summer). Heat set to 65F with room primarily being kept warm from sunlight during the day, after sunset, heating raised to 69F. Heating turned down to 62F before going to bed. 2 people shower twice a day.

Summer Electric : $80-100 Summer Gas : $25-35 Winter electric: $50-60 Winter Gas : $140-160

Internet $45 for gig speed (pay for my own router and modem)

(Edit: internet was approx $45, had earlier stated it to be $30 which was incorrect)