
SquirrelGirlVA t1_je1drue wrote

My thought is that the Hermit took her, so that OP would be forced to play the game. Part of me wonders how he heard about this game, since it's the first I've heard about it. What if it likes targeting specific people or families? OP, if it's not against the rules, I'd try to find a good way to warn Stacy off from playing this game.

Or... what if the reason Stacy disappeared was because she was trying to play the game herself but failed?


SquirrelGirlVA t1_je1di1u wrote

To me this is even more justification for people to stock up on a few months' worth of MREs. They don't always taste that great, but they're filling and can survive quite a bit.

Joking aside, OP - I think you were set up. Your daughter suddenly disappearing? And then the game pops back up, offering you your heart's desire? It may have tried getting you back when you were a teenager, but failed since you weren't interested. Then it eventually decided it would take Stacy. It wanted you to be vulnerable and easy to manipulate. You were obviously distraught, but what if part of the reason you were ill prepared was because something was ever so subtly pulling your strings? It definitely took something from you - my guess is your soul. You would have likely given that up eagerly in exchange for Stacy, but it wanted to have its own "fun", plus it may not have been so easy to take if not for the ritual/game.