
Squish_the_android t1_j6ylamu wrote

I think you're missing my point.

There are local deaf resources out there. Heck, there are several local schools for the deaf. They're going to KNOW what the best places for your kid are.

Just asking on here what a good school district is likely isn't going to be as helpful as targeting your resources.


Squish_the_android t1_j6yjkf2 wrote

I think you need less help around where to move and instead need to meet with some kind of expert on deaf children resources.

If you send your kid to any public school, they're going to get services that are spelled out in their IEP. The school has to do what is spelled out in the IEP and you can bring in a lawyer if they don't.

If the school can't meet the child's needs the town will pay to send them somewhere that will.

I'm not saying that any of this is easy, but maybe look into resources for the deaf and see if they can recommend something before you go and move to district that will basically just run you through the same process.


Squish_the_android t1_j6ofr8o wrote

That's not the concern.

Dense housing in good school districts attract a lot of families that want those schools.

The problem is that apartment complexes like this don't pay in as much as property taxes as other kinds of housing and by the nature of their size they increase the number of students by a significant amount over a short period of time.

Most school districts aren't sitting on a ton of excess capacity.

It is a valid concern that most towns fail to deal with well.

Edit: Also the teachers working without a contract comment is noteable. It's another school district playing hardball with the teachers union because they think the union won't vote to strike. It's a sure sign of a bad school committee that doesn't want to increase school spending.


Squish_the_android t1_j60ipb9 wrote

> December 20 last year, the woman had a video chat with Chief Investigator Vytautas Globis. “I am alive, well, and very happy,” she told him.


I'm sorry. You got a missing foreign woman who vanishes for four years. You contact her and don't actually meet in person?

You have her come down to the station, take her back alone and ask her what's going on and if she's being threatened.


Squish_the_android t1_j27d7s4 wrote

Leave it up to the managers.

They can ask:

Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability? and what work or task has the dog been trained to perform?

If the dog misbehaves at all they can be asked to leave even if it is a service animal.

Just because a rule is difficult to enforce doesn't mean we should just throw out the rule.


Squish_the_android t1_iycyo8i wrote

Do you know how long some people have been waiting for a housing crash?

Bar some kind of wild change in financing like the elimination of the 30 year mortgage, or some kind of immediate massive change in the desirability of Boston, the crash isn't coming.


Squish_the_android t1_iycy7dv wrote

I've always thought that removing the trains and just running buses on the rails would be better.

Car breaks? Drive it off/tow it off to fix it.

Easy to replace.

Run a bunch of them all the time.


I feel like I should clarify that I was specifically thinking about the commuter rail when it came to this comment and just didn't translate that from my head to my post. I'm not going to spend all day talking about the validity of this idea because I don't really care, but that's where this thought originated from.


Squish_the_android t1_ixh5whc wrote

Insurance companies would net benefit here.

Higher limits are touched less often. Your second 100k of coverage costs much less than your first. If everyone is forced to take on higher limits the insurance company comes out on top because everyone is paying for something they're unlikely to use.

This policy of increasing minimum coverage limits also has a greater impact on poorer citizens, so good luck dealing with that angle.

Edit: I swapped my first/second around originally