
StalkerBro95 t1_itnbbxr wrote

I'm not the author I can't get exactly what his views were definitely when writing the book but if you read any of his other work, especially The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, you'll see that he's much more antigov/anticontrok than anything.

People who use this book to twist it is as support of fascism are prob fascist themselves. Doesn't make them right. I would absolutely advise you not to converse with anyone like that.


StalkerBro95 t1_itn9zaj wrote

The point of the book is to be a criticism of facism viewed through that eyepiece. It's not supposed to be enticing or anything.

It's over the top, in your face about it as a cautionary tale. It's almost satirical in writing. Anyone who defends what's in the book, completely missed the point of the book. It's an incredible book when you understand what's actually written.