
Statbot5000 t1_jadbtsq wrote

Bretton woods always has exceptional grooming. Loon is a solid choice. Wildcat is fantastic. Cannon is hit or miss but with the recent snowfall I'd say it's likely to be good.


Statbot5000 t1_iwm5dag wrote

Ahhh your too funny. Not a temper tantrum. You may want to go back and look at some of your comments and then decide who's throwing a tantrum. A little self reflection can go a long way. Or...get this crazy idea. Go back to living your medial life and do your very best to be a good individual instead of whatever the Fk you currently are. Just a thought....


Statbot5000 t1_iwm34h1 wrote

Point is these results are looked over & scrutinize very closely. Sure...mistakes happen but they are far & few between. It's not ok to perpetuate a false claim wile simultaneously undermining our democracy. It's ok to be skeptical and cautiously observant...but it's not ok to just toss out false information like it's facts.


Statbot5000 t1_iwm1xzv wrote

It's interesting when people are quick to jump on these types of theories...but only when it doesn't fit into their agenda. So basically your mind set is "if my guy wins it's legitimate...but if your guy wins its rigged"....ok buddy🤘. It's the soar looser mentality...key word LOSER...but you do you...