
Statest16 t1_iy80871 wrote

You may use any shotgun ammo ,if you have a riffled barrell and scope mounts ,use sabot slugs like the "Barnes Expander"

If you have a smooth bore ,you could use rifled slugs,smooth slugs or 00 #1 or #2 buck ,I would not go bellow number 2 buck on deer ,#4 buck is more for coyote/bobcat


Statest16 t1_ixzbc4u wrote

I think 3&1/2 inch folding buck style knives for work purposes are legal ,what blue collar working like a carpenter or plumber does not carry one.

I think for self defense you would need a LTC,carrying mace would make more sense,I'd call your police chief and ask!



Statest16 t1_iww5x9q wrote

They ditched the stolen getaway car in forest and they likely had another acomplice waiting and drive them off the Island via ferry to Woods Hole.

From the mainland Cape where would they go? North to Canada? Or south to New York and hide out until it blows over?

I also wonder whether the bank bills were dyed or marked as many are,will it be difficult to spend this money?


Statest16 t1_iwh2w6x wrote

Is not drivers but the sheer amount of traffic ,often there is little choice but to stop.I have never seen anyone stop for a yield sign when it was safe to proceed.

In New York it's even more pronounced not always but sometimes you will see actual stop signs at merges instead of a yield.On the Saw Millv PKWY they have stop lights at entrance areas.


It's traffic not drivers


Statest16 t1_iv26um2 wrote

I think medical records can only be shared if you sign for it.For instance Berkshire Medical center bought out Adams internists but Adams internists ,but we were all notified and had to sign that we were ok with Berkshire Medical having our medical records.

Hospitals and Dr's offices may shared your records but it all be given in writing and you sign.

If you read your patient paperwork from Mass Gen/Brigham&Women's hospital national triad it must show what other hospitals it shares with in writing with your signature.Check your paperwork.

I'm pretty sure your free to see Beth Israel,Tufts,Boston Medical,New England Baptist ,UMass medical Worcester or whomever without MGH/B&W ever knowing .

The Leahy Clinic in Burlington is good too.


Statest16 t1_iuja6dx wrote

Why do you need a sidearm ,a shotgun at close range would kill a charging animal your not hunting ie... boar,bear,moose etc..

You may hun coyote with any rifle'

Bear with with a 243 or better

Deer is shotgun or muzzleloader only

They really should open up deer in the western counties to rifles .243 or better ,I live in the Berkshires and it's as safe as Vermont in most places to fire a rifle but the lawmakers all live east so MA will never get rifle zones.


Who the hell hunts deer with .22lr anyway ?????

We also need a moose lotto in for the North Quabbin and East Berkshire regions with .25 cal muzzle dia minimum but that will never happen.