
Steady_Habits_CT t1_je7owdx wrote

In a 2 adult HH in which both work, it would mean an income of $50,000 each. The average HH income in CT is about $85,000, so $100,000 is only a little above average.

My point is that anyone near or above average is most impacted by income and property taxes. However, too many comments focused on DMV fees and other items that might be significant for someone without a job or home, but not significant for those who bear the burden of the taxes that impact CT residents.

Hope that helps.


Steady_Habits_CT t1_je4rl51 wrote

You are silly. The car tax in CT varies by municipality. In CT property tax rates and property valuations vary by municipality. Somehow you are able to ignore that but suggest NH costs cannot be analyzed due to a municipal component.

Finally, you are arguing over one small element of tax burden. Taxation of cars is no worse in NH than CT. But CT has a very substantial income and sales tax whereas NH has neither. There is no question that tax burden is materially higher in CT, unless one has little or no income.


Steady_Habits_CT t1_je386lj wrote

You remain confused and very unfamiliar with the process for calculating the registration fee for a car in NH.

  1. You started this by claiming one must look at all the fees. Now you want to exclude sales tax from the analysis. That is flawed when doing a TCO. This thread is about all taxes, and sales tax is a major cost of ownership in any state with a sales tax!
  2. I didn't go into the full detail because it is complex. The NH rate drops 3 points per thousand per year. So my calcs are correct.
  3. Your statement about depreciation ignores that many in CT saw increases in their car tax over the last 2 yrs because of increases of used car prices! The value of each of our cars increased last yr in the CT tax calculation relative to 2021! And I know lots of others with similar experiences
  4. The NH rate is applied to the original MSRP, and the depreciation rate is fixed. That is far fairer than CT's arbitrary approach to attempt a (poor) measure of mkt value. Thanks to the weird used car mkt, most cars went up in value over the last 2 yrs, whereas NH's approach resulted in ongoing declines as the vehicle aged.
  5. We get it, you think CT should be made to look better than NH, but the only way to do that is to attempt to fudge the numbers. Fact is that NH's cost of registration for a car is far lower than CT's, all things considered including the sales tax one must pay in CT on every new or used car purchase.

I have no idea what your basis is for the claims on insurance. The majority of CT residents are in dense parts of southwestern CT and the middle of the state. I am aware of no evidence that is lower cost than southern NH. Plus, auto insurance is not a tax, and one has many choices in selecting an insurer. Certainly theft rates are better in NH.

Edit: Based on this data, NH auto insurance costs are materially below CT:


Steady_Habits_CT t1_je3537v wrote

Lots of those posting on this sub appear to be living in their parents' basement and have likely never held a job with significant income in their lives. For any household making $100,000 per year, which is modestly above the median CT household income, the most significant taxes, other than Federal, are CT income tax and property tax. In addition, sales tax and the car tax are significant.

All this talk of other fees is merely a diversion from the costs that impact families.

Depending on the state, income tax and/or property tax tend to be materially lower than CT. Alas, CT continues to drive spending higher without concern for the impact on families.


Steady_Habits_CT t1_je2xtow wrote

You don't have this correct. The NH registration fee drops each year as the car ages. More important, there is no sales tax on cars (or anything else) in NH so you are leaving this benefit out of the numbers.

So while she might have paid $500 to register a car in NH (sounds far too high for a $17k car, but it dependson the originalvalue of the car), if it were a new car the next year that fee would have been about $415, then $333, then $250, then $167, then $83, for a total of $1740 over 6 years! In CT that car would have cost in the first yr $1080 in sales tax plus $200 to $500 in CT car tax depending on town plus the $100 registration fee. So right in the first yr that car cost in CT taxes and fees nearly as much as 6 years of registration fees in CT. Over six years, CT taxes would add another $1000 or more to that cost! And we haven't even factored in the difference in auto insurance rates!


Steady_Habits_CT t1_ja0oz7m wrote

Talk about a misleading title!

I don't know this structure, but I differentiate between a tunnel under a natural object--Lincoln Tunnel, Holland Tunnel, Ted Williams Tunnel, etc. and a crossing underneath a man-made object. There isn't enough in this photo to know whether what is likely a railroad track was built up or if this is a naturally occurring obstacle. Along the MetroNorth tracks in a fairfield County there are multiple structures similar to this startong just over the NY line, underneath elevated railroad tracks.

Most important is that CT has a pair of serious tunnels on the Wilbur Cross. The tunnel in this photo isn't particularly unique. .


Steady_Habits_CT t1_iy804ks wrote

It's not an "open market". In an open market, suppliers can enter at will, which results in lower prices as capacity expands. However, one cannot become a supplier of electricity at will in CT because the state has control over one's ability to build a power generation facility. If it were a truly open market, power costs would be materially lower.

Note that in the "fake" competitive market implemented in CT about two decades ago, the number of suppliers has DECREASED over the years! So much for a "competitive" market. "Competition" managed by state control, is NOT a free market. That is why states such as China and Russia are not truly capitalistic--many capital allocation decisions are regulated, if not controlled, by the state. The same is true of the electrical power mkt in CT.

Our power costs are high because of an ongoing series of boneheaded decisions by politicians over the years that continue to this day. It's nice to pin the blame on Eversource, but Eversource has been enabled by CT politicians.


Steady_Habits_CT t1_iy4sxhp wrote

Rather than argue with Bob about whether you deserve a 13 cent, 15 cent, or 17 cent rate from Constellation, the bigger question is how can Constellation offer a 13 to 17 cent rate while Eversource is allowed to double its rate to 24 cents!

Bob Duff and the rest of the leadership of the CGA don't care. If they did care, they could have addressed these issues years ago. It hasn't put their reelection at risk, which is all they really care about.

And go ahead--set the AG or PURA on a path to fine Constellation and you may end up chasing one of the few remaining power suppliers with competitive rates out of CT! It is thinking such as that which leads to digging CT into an even deeper hole.


Steady_Habits_CT t1_iy13ntq wrote

Be careful about yr choice of lawyer. Many are sharks and others are incompetent. Go for mediation--your kids will thank you for it.

If you use an atty, and push for something unreasonable, your ex will hire an atty who then will up the ante. Before you know it, you will have a contested divorce, a GAL involved (they are all incompetent), and you could be looking at $200,000 to $1,000,000 of legal bills if there is a lot of money. There could be charges and countercharges of mental illness, drug/alcohol abuse, etc. Also, depending on the length of marriage, you may have to get a job, and probably won't keep the house. If you have a trial, most judges will order the house to be sold, so there is incentive to stay out of court.


Steady_Habits_CT t1_ixyyqx1 wrote

That is a lot for $175k miles and it likely lacks a warranty. Also, the plow adds a premium and may be worth more than ghe Tahoe withoutthe plow! At this mileage, if the transmission hasn't been rebuilt yet, it will likely need a rebuild. Also, the 5.3 liter engine will start burning oil and need a ring job if it hasn't happened yet. And expect 12 to 14 mpg around town and 16 to 18 on the highway, depending on the axle ratio, so it is expensive to operate.


Steady_Habits_CT t1_ixysoyn wrote

Understand that most used car dealers are buying cars at auction and don't know anything about the history of the car. So they could have substantial maintenance needs over time, unless close to new.

Your safest bet is to find a car that an older person is selling or that a child is selling after their parent died. I realize that doesn't help with financing, but it would lower your costs over time.