
StellaAI t1_jdwa3bo wrote

As a criticism of your criticism, wanting subtext does not make you a "snob". People read for all different reasons and wanting to hear a deeper story is a valid one. Quite a few readers here and everywhere else would agree with you.


>All the sex gets a bit heavy-handed and detracts from the book after a
while. It starts to feel less like a spicy romance thriller and more
like cheap erotica for horny women.

You really hit the nail on the head. In defense of Hoover, she intimately knows her market.


StellaAI t1_jdw8upp wrote

Addendum to other's posts: Published work that entertains people is not the most informative, correct, or even truthful. You see this phenomenon on YouTube with finance "influencers". They'll peddle all these wild investments, crypto scams, and personal seminars to make money. Don't confuse popular entertainment with information.

The sad reality is that a Get Rich title with the words "Make more, spend less, invest the difference" would be one boring, mostly empty page. A Gain Weight book would have no market and a "Lose Weight" book would be "Calories in, calories out, take care of eating disorders."