
Stensi24 t1_j6lyi97 wrote

Homeland was good for a few seasons, then it just started going in circles.

Californication was a good show with some fun moments, that was completely ruined by it’s ending after 2 very poor seasons.

Boardwalk Empire was a truly amazing show for 2-3 seasons, then a steep drop in quality.

Weeds was an alright…

I didn’t start this comment thinking there was a pattern, but holy shit. Does this hold true for every Showtime title? Do they just not know when to end shit?

Dexter was a great show for the start of it’s run, only to be ruined by a truly aweful ending after 2 very poor seasons.


Stensi24 t1_iujf86p wrote

“Hate” is abit much, she seems like a lovely person, just not a good actress.

She did alright in GoT but not so alright in the things she did after.

Tbf it’s hard to tell with her because she does seem to pick downright terrible projects… used her GoT fame to land Terminator Genisys(GET IT? GeneSYS like in system!) which is widely considered the worst one in the franchise, even when including 3.

Edit: I ofcourse only speak for myself.