
StepSideways77 t1_j0zzgva wrote

Tithe's for the church, taxes for the state... That "Render onto Caesar..." line must have stuck out to the early royal adopters. The big guy, JC, tells all to pay taxes, mentions giving god his cut as well. A suspect line, possibly inserted... very convenient for secular rulers, and the church.


StepSideways77 t1_izax23n wrote

So true. A lot of how we look at pre Christian "pagans" comes from the romantics of the 1800-ish era. For pagan leaders Christianity's best selling point was its hierarchical structure. By adopting Christianity you also brought its leadership structure into your society. Pope/king, Cardinal/Baron, priests/sheriffs. It showed how to divide up a country, who shows fealty to who. Volodymyr I of Kyiv openly stated this was one of the main reasons he chose Christianity... he liked the way the church was run. He mapped it's structure onto civil society.


StepSideways77 t1_isv654p wrote

Mongol warriors in the 12th century were said to have ten horses each when they invaded Europe, grass fed. Europeans fed their horses grain. London in 1900 was said to have 600.000 roaming it's streets on any day. Sorry, can't recall date, but would guess pre 2000 BC, Pharos legs bones, when examined, were curved from riding donkeys... 500 years later horse driven chariots are all over the place. The horses usefulness greatly increased when use of a harness that did not constrict their windpipe was invented.