
StillSundayDrunk t1_jcckqqi wrote

Reply to comment by -Reader91- in [image] by Royal_Tumbleweed_910

This made me think of an equally "meh" motivational tripe: "Some things in life were made to be down trodden and stepped on every day of their lives. And those are some of the finest horeshoes" or some other stupid repeatable dribble.


StillSundayDrunk t1_jaadtos wrote

"Shake the Frost" - Tyler Childers has an amazing perspective on this topic:

Well, I used to ride a Mustang
And I'd run that thing on high hopes
'Til they raised the price of dreams so high I couldn't pay
So I let that car just sit there
When I should've took you driving
With the windows down while the music played

Much more sad than motivational, but a beautifully crafted response to the sentiment in this image.


StillSundayDrunk t1_j8zj0km wrote

That's what you get for using the Walmart pf the tech world. Bing is absolute garbage compared to Google. Teams is OK for a work platform, but I would have never switched from Zoom if the company hadn't made the buying decision. Cortona is...I have no idea because it's never responded properly on the two machines I've tried it on, and the Windows phone I beta-tested was passable (great camera, blah OS, somewhat buggy.)
