
Stinky_the_Grump23 t1_jeg0pmx wrote

He misses it. But I think it's more so because there was more human connections back then. You had a big family and you knew everyone in the village. Women were happier because raising kids was done by ~10 adults. Men were working with their teenage sons in the field. I think it's the abundance of genuine human relationships that people miss from the old days. Life was difficult in other ways, it wasn't a good time to get sick or injured.


Stinky_the_Grump23 t1_jedjzqe wrote

I have very young kids and I'm already wondering what our discussions will be around when reminiscing about the days "before AI", like I used to ask my dad who grew up without cars or electricity in a village of illiterate farmers. The crazy thing is, we have no real idea where AI is taking us, good or bad. I don't think our future has ever looked so uncharted as it does right now.