
StoopidHippie t1_ixx9o64 wrote

Thank you so very much. The mantra in my head these days is: "I was one of the lucky ones". It is a horrid paradox. The solution is so very simple, but not simple at all. Most cessation programs are NA, AA. I disagree with the 12 step programs that demand you proclaim that you're powerless. Nah, just gotta be sick of being something you never thought you'd ever become. Powerless? Hell no, every one of us have the power. It's a matter of will. I wanted dope Every. Single. Day. For ten years straight, give or take a few months. Now, I wouldn't touch it for ANY amount of money.This may sound cheesy or cliche but, if I can do it- ANYONE can do it.


StoopidHippie t1_ixur9z7 wrote

Please don't. If you're not an opioid user, you would be eventually. I was a junky for 15 years. I've been clean for 25 years (yay!). If I had it to do over, I would have never touched the first opioid; they're life enders on many levels. I'm not here to peach, just hate to think of someone going through addiction. I wish you the best- the best choices and the best life.