Stswivvinsdayalready t1_j6iztcu wrote
Reply to comment by Gulbahar-00 in TIL that Tony Danza and Tupac Shakur were friends and that they wrote letters back and forth while Tupac was in prison. by Knoblord_McCheese
This probably isn't how it happened but I hope somebody translated it into Latin for him and he spent dark nights in his ancient library deliberating over its worthiness by candlelight
Stswivvinsdayalready t1_j566qle wrote
Reply to TIL the Iowa Writer’s Workshop was used to fight communism abroad and domestically from the 1940s through the 1970s, and received substantial funding from the CIA to do so. by big_papa_geek
This is my hometown and I've known people involved with the program in various ways over the years, but I never knew this. I will have to plumb this rabbithole a bit.
Stswivvinsdayalready t1_j565c4d wrote
Reply to TIL that George "Washington" Carver never formally used Washington as a middle name. He originally chose the middle initial W at random to ensure accurate mail delivery. Someone once asked if the "W" stood for Washington and Carver said "Why not?" He signed his name as George or George W. Carver. by AspireAgain
He was correcting him. His real name was George Why Not Carver
Stswivvinsdayalready t1_j4xpdml wrote
Reply to TIL that only about 4% of the Earth's surface has two points on opposite sides of the world that are both on land by A_1337_Canadian
Yes, this disappointed me during the Earth sandwich thing. Opposite me is way out in the Indian Ocean close to nothing. I can only ever make an open-faced Earth sandwich.
Stswivvinsdayalready t1_j27u8n3 wrote
Reply to Rant: All single player games should have an easy way to quit to desktop and save as-is. Too many games require exiting to main menu and then quitting from there -- with an obligatory "ARE YOU SURE - YOUR PROGRESS WILL NOT BE SAVED" warning. Save the progress and quit -- it's not that hard. by BBorNot
One thing consoles are good for... I just tap the main power button and go to bed and when I turn it on again it's right in the same state
Stswivvinsdayalready t1_j251f4y wrote
It's the absolute Grail of clean energy but it remains decades away. Recent progress is regarded as an academic breakthrough but is more of a proof-of-concept than anything.
Stswivvinsdayalready t1_j22bgu3 wrote
Reply to comment by AnyGamers99 in Why do people praise Bioshock Infinite's story so much? by AnyGamers99
Stswivvinsdayalready t1_j20hlhm wrote
Reply to comment by LostInDinosaurWorld in TIL that Persian limes, the fruit that most Americans and Europeans know as simply “limes” are actually a hybrid of lemons and real limes, what we call “Key limes” today by evclides
I've typically heard Mexican people call yellow lemons "limon" and limes "limon verde", or green lemon. I'm sure there's probably variation though. Tbh green lemon is just as good a thing to call it
Edited for improper Spanish emphasis oops
Stswivvinsdayalready t1_j9uxopo wrote
Reply to comment by jrhooo in TIL that the reason Yankee Doodle stuck a feather in his cap and called it 'macaroni' was because at one time macaroni was slang for something very fashionable or trendy by elephantsgraveyard
There's an emasculation aspect too. Riding a pony is for children and women, or maybe a fancy riding pony might be good for a walk in the park. Not a fit mount for a man of war.