
SuburbiaNow t1_ja1c8gs wrote

If you are in eastern MA you can drive to Gunstock and Sunapee in NH fairly easily. They are closer than the ski areas in Western MA. Wachusetts is good if you are a beginner and only want a quick day trip.

Definitely do leave CO to ski in MA!!


SuburbiaNow t1_izzey1n wrote

If he never paid rent he might be considered a guest legally but in any case you MUST contact a housing lawyer to get rid of this person. You can't even put a guest's belongings out on the street without their position if they have been there long enough.

Do this today please. The situation will not resolve itself.


SuburbiaNow t1_izc0qnk wrote

I think it would be cute early in the evening! Just don't stand really close to the door, so they won't think you are trying to break in.


SuburbiaNow t1_iu4k38s wrote

I'm sorry that mice are in your house. As others have said, fill holes with steel wool and seal them, set traps, wear rubber gloves.

Also, keep your food in airtight containers, preferably metal. Birdseed should be kept in a metal container too. It's a PITA, but for now you probably should keep your silverware in a container too.

I love cats but sometimes they just like to play with the mice rather than kill them.