
Sucitraf t1_iuj53ht wrote

First time submitting a story here. Hopefully formatting is okay. I thought it would be fun to have slightly less "two lovers" talking and more something else. The characters are random names from my current D&D campaign, so if they seem weird or the politics/factions are strange, sorry. It makes sense in my head/in the world I swear! :P I also had to add a line from another Rick Astley song in the end because why not.


General Tabbs composed himself as he strode into the glittering halls of Lightward. How many years had it been since any of his kind had been allowed in the hallowed halls? It did not matter, he was quickly greeted by a member of the Imperial Guard.


"General Tabbs, if you will follow us to the conference room, the meeting can begin"


"Polite, that's a good start" thought Tabbs as he followed through another ornately decorated hallway, stopping once more to take a large breath before entering the conference room. Across the way sat a familiar face. Someone Tabbs hadn't seen since The Coup and subsequent crusade against non-humans. It had pained him to see such a bright young human be forced to fight for a cause he didn't believe in, but Tabbs knew Owain was bound by his oath, and would fulfill his duties as best he could.


"Come sit sir General." Owain spoke formally, as if these two were meeting for the first time. "As a part of this sudden turn of events, we will need to discuss immediate cessation of hostilities"


"Captain - sorry, General Owain, surely I have not aged so much that you cannot recognize an old friend" General tabs replied removing his helmet to fully reveal his, more aged, face. "I can't imagine you would forget the face of the Goblin you fought a dragon to save!"


Surprise and recognition crossed Owain's face at the same time. It had been 15 years, but it WAS Tabbs from all those years ago. Immediately, General Owain grabbed a pair of glasses and filled them with wine, handing one to General Tabbs.


"Let us drink and have a toast" he proclaimed "We're no strangers"

"To Love" they both said with a grin as they clinked glasses.


"I still cannot believe this horrid war will be ended with the Emperor's son marrying the a Goblin" General Tabbs laughed. "Love truly will save us... it seems all those fairy tales were right"


"Alright, to the business at hand" replied Owain as he gestured for Tabbs to sit.

"You know the rules, and so do I. In terms of how we can end war - a full commitment's what I'm thinking of. And lets face it. You wouldn't get this from any other guy".


This was the toughest part. Years of rampant murder and war purely against non-humans had caused a rift among people in the Allied Tribes, as well as other non-aligned factions.


Tabbs sighed and spoke "I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling. Gotta make you understand. We went through a lot of suffering. Tens of thousands are dead on both sides. There is a lot of resentment. How can we be sure the Emperor won't change his mind. That he will repeal this agreement."


General Owain knew this sort of question would be asked, and he was glad he would be speaking with an old friend. Someone who he KNEW would undersand him when he said -

"Tabbs, believe me when I say this - I'm Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around or desert you."

Owain pulled a folded paper from his jacket, and placed it on the table for Tabbs to see.

"Here are the terms in which the war will be ended. Our Prince wants peace with all peoples, he has seen enough bloodshed, he has witnessed enough hurt and sorrow. I promise you that his policies are never gonna make you cry, and our diplomats and peacekeepers are never gonna say goodbye."


Tabbs read over the agreements and plans of action.

"How can I be sure this is truthful? I trust you, but can the word of the Prince and the Emperor be believed?"


"You trust me Tabbs, and I KNOW their word will be kept. I'm never gonna tell a lie and hurt you. I will NOT let you or your people be hurt again"


Satisfied with the conviction in which Owain spoke, Tabbs relaxed a bit in his chair.

"We've known each other for so long. I know your heart's been aching over all the death and betrayal of what you believe in, but you're too shy to say it. Inside we both know what's been going on. We need to stay here a bit longer though, as both parties will want to think we argued hard over this agreement. We know the game and we're gonna play it"


Owain gave a chuckle, "Of course. And if you ask me how I'm feeling, don't tell me you're too blind to see the joy it brings to me to finally be done with this cursed 'Crusade'. I truly promise to your people that I'm never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around or desert you. I'm never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbe, and never gonna tell a lie or hurt you."


"I believe it Owain. And trust me, as allied forces, you and I will be Together Forever and never to part."