
Suessbot t1_iuk3tmo wrote

> The hole is constantly opening and closing, as there are natural seasonal variations. It appears that it is a natural phenomenon that is made worse by human pollution.

That's exactly the point.
Too bad the article and none of the other media say that. All the media ever does is post a "yay we fixed it" pat on the back article about some legislation that was passed, like banning CFCs.


Suessbot t1_iuhd3yj wrote

irrelevant to this conversation.
im not denying the hole exists. im only pointing out that it seems to be closing every couple decades. in fact, it was closing shortly after they discovered it.


Suessbot t1_iufd54g wrote

I'm not sure what you are trying to say here but I've been following this for 40 years. I was reading science journals before mmgw was a religion for the masses.


Suessbot t1_iufcxzd wrote

> R-22 is less harmful but still has an ODP, and a stronger GWP than r134a.

Nobody is disputing that.
Just pointing out that it's very convenient for the parents. If you think corporate America gives a shit about anything but their pocketbook then you need a serious reality check.
Also, the ozone hole was closing before the cfc ban.


Suessbot t1_iufa6fp wrote

> Has nothing to do with patents. It has to do with the ozone depletion and greenhouse warming potentials

It has everything to do with parents. Sure, they tell a nice story about saving the ozone (that was already closing) but it's convenient that every time the parents run out, it gets banned and there is a shiney new refrigerant that is "so much safer".
Whether it really is safer or not, they come up with a new one everytime patents run out.
R12 ran out in the 90s. R134 ran out in the 10s. The new one will run out in the 30s.


Suessbot t1_iuf9ld3 wrote

I did.
And that hole was already closing by the time you heard about it. They were theorizing that it was a natural phenomenon. They know a little better now but it still seems to close every decade or so.


Suessbot t1_iucyz4i wrote

it was declining in the 80s when news like this was only reported in print in scientific rags.
then it was declining again in the 90s after CFCs were banned and the patents on r-12 ran out that forced us to switch to r-134.
now its declining again 30 years later? i thought this was a decade thing or did it just not get reported the last couple decades?