
SuperGameTheory t1_je9yel8 wrote

I like the hubris that the ancients had in creating their myths. A baby is pulled away from a teat and innumerable gallons of milk drenches the entire night sky. Or Zeus got angry at Prometheus, so he chained him to a rock and had an eagle eat his liver for thirty years...until he was saved by Hercules.


SuperGameTheory t1_j94cea2 wrote

"Right now, there is no biodegradable, sustainable substrate for deploying carbon dioxide-sorbent materials"

Correct me if I'm wrong, but growing vegetation in and of itself is a biodegradable, sustainable, carbon dioxide-sorbent process. Maybe we should look at fast growing, strong plants to harvest for building materials. Also, plant growth is solar that's neat.

The delignification process they describe sounds like the first steps of paper making, which isn't a pretty process when we're talking about wood prep and digestion. After all that, is this product going to be a net carbon sink? I really doubt it.

Can't we just genetically engineer bamboo for better viability?


SuperGameTheory t1_j1znxyk wrote

A long time ago I won a popcorn popper from a drawing. It lives on my kitchen counter where the device real estate is at a premium. It pulls its weight. Not only is it quick, but there's a lot less waste, no burnt kernels, it can make more in less time, and bulk popcorn kernels are a lot cheaper too. Plus, I can easily flavor the popcorn any way I want. Yesterday I had popcorn with butter, garlic, parm and a little bit of salt.


SuperGameTheory t1_ixhygi4 wrote

It's called emergent behavior. The conclusions derived by the authors do more to show their own biases. They see a pattern and ascribe "hierarchy" and "leaders" to that pattern, then wave away those very concepts by admitting that it's all very fluid and organic.

My bet is they're ascribing "leader" to which ever sheep happens to be in the "front" of the motion. That/those sheep are probably emotionally "pushed" by those behind it, and seeks an area to move to. The sheep behind it probably focus on their closest peer and match their trajectory to that peer. Each sheep probably sticks with matching that peer as long as that peer stays within distance and visual range. When the peer is lost, another peer is elected to follow. This all gives the effect of a hierarchy with a leader. The sheep at the front of the flock will just as readily follow another if given the chance.

Source: I've run this flocking simulation before.


SuperGameTheory t1_ixa5sx6 wrote

Yeah but why would we want them to? I don't want more people moving into my area, turning forested land into lawns. Screw that noise. There's too many people. The breeders can calm the f down for a change. We already have 8bil people on Earth.