
SuperZapper_Recharge t1_j6jj78q wrote

I am sure you are correct. The only other explanation I can think of runs contrary to what I think his character is - that he drugged them.

Mucking with food like that is below him. To him food is sacred. Besides, if he had drugged them we would have to talk about the taste of the drugs when he is encouraging people to savor the food.

So short of another idea, yeah, you got it.


SuperZapper_Recharge t1_j6j07gc wrote

That lady said things for the effect of it. Not only isn't it true 'out of the movie for us' but it wasn't true in the movie either. She was playing the part of the entertainer. She was asked a question with a boring answer, she made the answer melodramatic. Isn't her fault if some damned fool runs with it after the show.


SuperZapper_Recharge t1_j6izx6x wrote

He was a monster but a principled one.

He was really struggling with her presence the entire movie. She brought him joy in cooking - which is what he was punishing everyone else for.

That cheeseburger was the real deal. She's fine.

And it probably was the cheeseburger that reminded her of what it was like to eat her first cheeseburger.


SuperZapper_Recharge t1_iya5jww wrote

Here is the thing.

I am sorry it is harsh, but, when I boil it down, it is what it is.

FIFA accepted bribes to give its biggest set of games that are only played every 4 years to a desert country with outside temps so high that it threatened the lives of the soccer players if played during the traditional time.

That country then used slave labor to build new stadiums and a new city. Laborers' died, laborers couldn't go home- they are living in filth off the edges of the city.

That country then made Jewish Prayer - specificaly Jewish Prayer - illegal.

They have then gone out of there way to push all kinds of hate at anyone falling underneath the LGBTQ banner.

And I haven't even begun to look at the countries traditional treatment of women.

The soccer fans really only have to do one thing to show there displeasure and bring FIFA in line.

Make this the least watched series ever. If fans were just like, 'Holy shit no. That is a shit show fuck em.'. and pretended there were 8 years between world cups - it would work.

But fans can't be bothered.

'Oh I can enjoy the games, take in the advertising and still be repulsed by Qatar!'.


Sure you can.


SuperZapper_Recharge t1_ixedtyt wrote

> Their cars will mean nothing to them.


A hypothetical for you.

I get hired in as a driver with the promise of zero miles on my personal car.

They have 2 electric cars. One is in the shop.

They are getting absolutely slammed and the other driver has the electric car..........

My point is entirely that delivering pizzas is not a bad job as long as you are not using your personal car. Zero miles on your personal car. No really, if you are up against the wall quit. Zero miles.

But like you pointed out - management at all these places is a high pressure shit show. And the people with those jobs where not smart enough to turn the jobs down.


SuperZapper_Recharge t1_ixdt449 wrote

If you supplied me the car and insurance and I never had to worry about driving my car - delivering pizzas in the correct town isn't the worse part time job to have.

I did it when I was young, the biggest problem was wear and tear on my own car. It's hard to keep up the Maintenace on a car that is getting driven hundreds of in town miles and feel like you are earning any money.

What is really gonna happen with this scheme:

These cars are gonna be down for maintenance more then they are up and the drivers are gonna have to driver there own personal cars.


SuperZapper_Recharge t1_itkvgmx wrote

I am a David Lynch fan. And I am old.

But I missed the entirety of the Twin Peaks thing when it was at it's height. Back then I didn't know - or care - what a David Lynch was. Was sometime later I found the guy.

Thing is, Twin Peaks has always felt like quite the time commitment to me. I kept putting it off for watching or rewatching a favorite movie.

Then Showtime did the Twin Peaks thing in 2017. It premiered and I said, 'Fuck it.'. I went all in on the show without any previous viewing experience at all.

Hands down, one of my favorite TV experiences ever. Just flying blind like that.

I mean, the thing about Lynch's stuff - it isn't always supposed to make sense. Us fans, we love Mulholland Drive - ask us fans to explain it. We can't. David gave us a list of 10 things to pay attention to. We still don't get it. But we love it anyways!