
SuzyTheNeedle t1_j7pccc6 wrote

What they need are dorm-style accommodations, on the bus line so people can get to town to work. They've had opportunities to do that out where we were in Provincetown. Nope. The Air Force Base would be perfect except for the (so I'm told) pollution/toxic nature of the area. The old school atop the hill would have been great. Heck the development between Cumberland & Stop & shop could have been dorm style but they chose apartments. Not the best use of square footage IMO. But hey build that shiny new police department! The problem in Ptown is too many very wealthy 2nd (and 3rd) homeowners and VRBOs. There's not much left for the townies. We left after looking to buy back in '13 because we started to sense that our landlord wanted to cash out.

Everyone is clutching their pearls while they bitch about restaurants & bars being understaffed OR they're bitching because the kids from eastern block countries are "taking 'murican jobs" (not true). Meanwhile seasonal workers live in what's available, often really run down with questionable sanitation/hygiene facilities and sketchy as hell. I'm thinking of that "motel" in Truro that I believe was shut down a while back. The dark dirty secret of tourist towns. But hey, gotta have that Cosmo right?


SuzyTheNeedle t1_j7nqzry wrote

It’s awful. We lived on the Outer Cape. Rent was insane IF you could find a place. Year round was even worse. At the time the cheapest single family in town was a year down for 350k on barely enough land for the building and a parking spot. Came up to SW NH and got a home for half that that want a tear down and had .2 acres.


SuzyTheNeedle t1_j7na6gt wrote

Solid advice. Nobody is going to hand anyone anything. You gotta grind and work for it. While all our friends were living up to their means and beyond (and still are) in the McMansions, buying new everything and taking vacations we were socking more than 30% of our salary away and living well below our means in a modest home we owned outright. About a year ago we closed on a 4BR/3bath home on 2 acres. We both retired and are now living the dream.


SuzyTheNeedle t1_j7frcv1 wrote

Alrighty. I got curious about this poster, something didn't set right with me.

We've got ourselves a troll. A dive into the post history gives us exactly the same complaint only over on the GA board. That post is 20 days old. The rest of their post history? More of the same whinging.


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