
Sw3b3r OP t1_j15lm02 wrote

Reply to comment by Kleivonen in Philz in Ballston closed? by Sw3b3r

That’s such unfortunate timing😔 have you heard of slipstream coffee by chance? I recently read one will be moving into ballston near the chipotle! Something new to look forward to I guess


Sw3b3r OP t1_j0ywrr0 wrote

Reply to comment by I_AM_IGNIGNOTK in Philz in Ballston closed? by Sw3b3r

Yeah they did seem to be inconsistent on certain menu items. That’s frustrating. I think my biggest complaint was they didn’t really change their menu to add seasonal drinks, I’m such a sucker for those.


Sw3b3r OP t1_j0ywe0v wrote

Reply to comment by NessieWasReal in Philz in Ballston closed? by Sw3b3r

I actually think compass coffee is trash, I preferred to wait for Philz for a better cup of coffee but I’m clearly a minority on that opinion. Any coffee Ive tried at the ballston compass has been overly syrupy. The pumpkin spice latte was straight up bright orange 🤣