
Swagm0n t1_j5jr4y2 wrote


Now that I've got your attention, let me explain. I absolutely love audio and I'm a big fan of HiFi. I am a fan of planar drivers and wanted a nice pair of headphones. The Sundara ticked all the boxes. I got them and the audio is absolutely wonderful. The most comfortable headphones I've ever used. I have used a lot of IEMs and I can't tell if something is wrong with me, my taste or the Sundara. I just feel like IEMs offer significantly higher immersion with music than my Sundara does. I still like them don't get me wrong, but even basic $100 HiFi IEMs feel more immersive.

Is anyone experiencing something similar? I kept my Sundara anyway because they're just that comfortable and good but I rarely actually touch them :(