
SweetBiscuit t1_je4vtm4 wrote

>Conversely your proof that it's happening in aviation is "trust me bro".



>you are out of your depth in this one.

Oh yeah, I also worked for NASA but I'm nOt GOiNg to dOX mYsELf to prove it.

Also, bonus reading for other applications:



SweetBiscuit t1_je4t8jg wrote

I know there are hurdles to overcome, just like any new technology.

But was just curious as you said "Airbus are having difficulty tackling hydrogen" and then later admitted that no company would advertise any issues. So basically your source was "trust me bro", and I expect no different from the anti hydrogen morons on Reddit.

I am a marine engineer, working with fuels is basically my entire job. I am aware of its physical properties. But hydrogen is happening, whether Reddit likes it or not


SweetBiscuit t1_ixlafck wrote

It's going to be produced in large quantities in the Australian desert using wind and solar. Close to ports so it can be shipped out in the form of ammonia, but too far from the eastern population centres to "just use the electricity for the grid!".

We currently have so much excess green energy in these areas that it's being used to mine cryptocurrencies, the plan is to use this excess for something less wasteful like electrolysis.

Storage and transport issues were figured out a long time ago, we've already shipped to Japan in hydrogen form, as ammonia it'll be even easier


SweetBiscuit t1_ivelf4i wrote

>Both options require substantial energy. Just because storage and transport has been done doesn't mean it wasn't expensive.

That's...pretty much how all new technology works. It's prohibitively expensive until eventually it's not.

The companies funding these hydrogen projects are throwing billions of their own money at the problem. If they thought that the price would always be an issue, they wouldn't even waste their time.

But they've done their homework, hired people much smarter than you or I to do feasability studies, and believe cheap green hydrogen is possible within the next few years.

So what could possibly be the point of attacking them for trying? It seems to be an almost personal issue for redditors on /r/futurology


SweetBiscuit t1_iveepxe wrote

>the major issue with hydrogen and the reason it's not competitive with BEV's and never will be.

Even if this were true (it's not), small passenger vehicles are just a small piece of the decarbonisation puzzle, it's extremely narrow minded to keep coming back to this argument.

>Using our precious green energy for it is a waste.

The fact is, green energy is not precious in some places. We have vast solar and wind arrays in the Australian desert that make green energy out the wazoo, but getting that energy to where it's needed is a different story.

They actually make so much excess green energy that they're mining bloody cryptocurrency with it.

From the above article:

"Renewable energy projects are already not being allowed to connect to the grid due to curtailment and others are suffering heavy losses when they switch off at times of low consumption,” he said. “We keep using the power 24/7 and that’s a huge benefit to the renewables developers, it makes their projects more financially viable. “We are basically like a sponge. We soak up the excess that’s not used.”

What the plan is - is instead of letting crypto grifters use it to make imaginary internet coins, we use it to make green hydrogen on site, which can then be loaded onto ships and shipped anywhere in the world, particularly places like Japan with very little access to their own wind and solar.

And this is what's happening now here in Western Australia. The projects are already underway, the infrastructure is being built, and the contracts with Japan already signed. None of this is hypothetical.

So why fight it? Green energy, exported to the world. Should be right up /r/futurology 's alley.


SweetBiscuit t1_iveei0r wrote

>Also, storage is a problem.

It's really not, this argument is very outdated. We've shipped hydrogen from Australia to Japan already, and our existing LNG pipelines can handle hydrogen just fine with zero leakage.

The simple solution to the temperature issue is converting to ammonia, which will be happening anyway because we need it for fertiliser.


SweetBiscuit t1_ivecz66 wrote

Not just that, but the relentless criticism of hydrogen for not immediately being green.

Case in point, we had a proof of concept tanker ship transport hydrogen from Australia to Japan recently, and most of the comments were attacking it because the hydrogen was made via fossil fuels rather than focusing on the feat itself (and at the same time they're still making posts about it being impossible to transport?)

Redditors seem completely fine accepting that batteries are currently charged with electricity from fossil fuels, and that eventually it will all be renewables - and that's 100% ok, but why is hydrogen not allowed the same grace period?

The money is in green hydrogen, all the big companies know that. But first they need to test the logistics of it all using what we currently have (brown/blue hydrogen).

My other pet peeve is how Reddit will steer every argument back to small passenger cars, BEV vs FCEV. Cars are only one piece of the puzzle, and hydrogen is not competing with your teslas


SweetBiscuit t1_ivdq49n wrote

>Big energy doesn't like hydrogen because it has the potential to destroy the need for the current energy distribution model: powerlines, fuel trucks, gas lines, gas stations could all be replaced.

Meanwhile reddit doesn't like hydrogen because they think it's a scam pushed by big energy (which they heard from a reddit post).

Green hydrogen is going to be huge, the reason big energy companies are starting to push it is because they already have the infrastructure, skilled workforce, and money to make it happen - something which green energy startups are lacking.


SweetBiscuit t1_is7q2ke wrote

Wind and solar. Here in Australia we're going to be exporting huge amounts of green hydrogen to countries like Japan, the agreements are already in place.

The great thing about hydrogen is that it can be made in a remote area with good wind/solar, then shipped to parts of the world where wind/solar are not viable (on ships also powered by green ammonia)