
SweetSpendin t1_j42lub1 wrote

Word got out that i was trying to get more powerful. While that is not super uncommon, it has been a pretty laughable subject in the commune considering i’m a highschool dropout living on food stamps.

Through odd jobs and my life savings paid out, i was able to amass a total of 8 powers. And not a single of them is worth a damn on their own. But together, maybe i could do something special that no one else can do.

Most folks with money save up for one big power that makes them extremly useful for a number of things. But i just cant afford to do that. So my thought process was that maybe i could be somewhat useful in any situation by increasing the quantity of powers that possess ratherr than quality.

So far, through the 8 powers i have collected, i have not found a practical use for a single one of them. This has affectionately branded me as Mr. Useless amongst my peers.

From at will self hair removal, to fidget spinner fingers. Nothing i do has any practical use.

And even though i pretty much keep my powers under raps, i decided to confide in my next door neighbor in the commune about my plans to finally become useful. He has the ability to charm most animals in his vicinity. While don’t know the extent of the ability, he runs a small business where he freezes game in place so that hunters can take a clean shot.

He says his name is Hunter but im almost positive that it is a stage name because that is a coinicdence i refuse to believe.

In any case, when i told Hunter about my plans, not 4 hours passed before it was the talk of the commune.

They had affectionately branded me, Mr. Useless. And while it was mean, i couldn’t help but feel like it was incredibly accurate.

But I didn’t care, I had a plan and i was going to stick to it.

So i hop on craiglist like i always do to look for what kinds of powers people are offerring. I see one that sticks out to me as it is an odd job for a power that i think could do wonders for me. I apply and not two seconds later i feel my phone start vibrating n my pocket.

Incoming call from Unknown Number. I thought that it was either a scammer or the guy calling about a new power (or both).

“Hello?” I ask nervously, and In a deep raspy voice a man responds “This Yuri?”.

“Yes, this is him”.

“Perfect, meet me in Kensingtion Park in 20 minutes and i’ll give you the power youre looking for, free of charge, you just have to do a little job for me first”.

I hesistate, my imagination running wild with the possible things that an anonympus craiglist listing would have me do. But i guess that’s the price i’ll have to pay if it means getting the bite strength of a Pitbull.

“See you in 20”.