
Swiv t1_jdcgbd6 wrote

Some toes spontaneously growing back is no more crazy than any other nonsense in the bible. If this was a story in the bible, they'd preach about it a few times a year without batting an eye. But because it's some dummy from the Ozarks everyone can point and laugh at, suddenly it's ridiculous and dangerous?

Mainstream Christians just frown on this because it makes them look foolish by association. It's like a stable full of different snake oil salesmen and one is going so over the top that people are making fun of them. The other salesmen are like, "Get this guy the hell outta here! He's ruining our marks!"


Swiv t1_j9k06oj wrote

Reply to comment by fawnroyale_ in HOA questions by [deleted]

I'm a homeowner and the home I'm in is in an HOA and was a significant investment. I pay my dues, follow the rules, and mind my own business. I don't go around nosing into other people's lives or whatever. Anyone that has made the kind of investment I have should reasonably want to protect that investment. There is a level of shitheaddery that will drag property values down and depending on the severity, make selling more difficult should it ever come to that. That's just a fact. Luckily that's not a factor and in part because I'm in an HOA.

Is it also just annoying that the guy across from me regularly has 6+ huge vehicles parked in front of his house and congesting the street like some frat house used car lot hybrid? Yeah. Yeah it is fucking annoying since he signed the same line I did and presumably read the rules. But more importantly, it's just in violation of the rule they agreed to follow. Those same dipshits likely run to reddit to whine about how big of a scam HOAs are and how they're always getting hounded and blah blah blah. Clean the fucking ping pong table and beer bongs out of your garage and park your car in there like an adult. But maybe more importantly - just follow the rules you agreed to follow, or kick rocks.

If you don't want to cut your grass or you have to park your old Camaro that "you're totally going to fix up" in your front yard or just in general have a problem with following some really basic rules, do the rest of us a favor and stay out of an HOA. Buy some land, park an RV on it, and eyesore to your hearts content.


Swiv t1_j4ys1fd wrote

You are not alone in that understanding OP. I lived on the north side for many years, and there is a reason I don't now. I get that there are people out there that have had a rough go at it, but I don't miss random dudes wandering down my street in tore up puff jackets and missing a shoe looking like they just came out of a 40 year desert march or wild eyed people coming to my door and telling me I was chosen by god because my door was red, my truck was white, and I have a biblical name.

I ain't going to convince the civic cheerleaders that live in some Springfield that I certainly never have and frankly they can have it. The only thing keeping me here are my parents and my friends.