
SynthD t1_j5e0312 wrote

Agents of shield? Mild spoilers: they are agents of shield, then shield is taken down, then there’s two groups who both claim to be the good guys, then there’s inhumans, ghost rider, life model decoys, a virtual reality with some swapped allegiances, aliens, other aliens that teleport the group to a space station, then the group return to earth but with some multiverse hopping. I think I remember that right, I only watched it once.


SynthD t1_j1ycnay wrote

I think Hamm hasn’t done serious drama since Don. He doesn’t need to, he’d get comparisons, he wants to explore his comedy side.

For a more clear cut, often announced, career path look at the indie actors who do occasional mainstream films for the paychecks. Daniel Radcliffe is one, a few people from Marvel and DC have said the same. Adam Driver?