
TacTurtle t1_ja8y0p2 wrote

Fantasy and no, the ISS structurally could not withstand sufficient rotation to create useful gravity.

Project Orion would be a comparatively more practical interplanetary vessel, and the propulsion in Orion is best described “external nuclear pulse detonation” which gives you an idea of how practical converting the ISS would be.


TacTurtle t1_j512zfw wrote

This happening should surprise nobody - if the system can be abused, someone is going to abuse it.

If your monitoring and vetting system allows companies to perpetuate fraud and mislead customers with falsified reports and near zero risk of auditing or other checks on actual delivery of intangible goods, then your monitoring system is grossly inadequate.


TacTurtle t1_ixe9unn wrote

Yeah at that point you end up running multiple cables per phase so the linemen can still actually physically bend and move the cable - at least on the distribution side.

Who even makes HV underground cable rated for DC? Okonite’s catalog only has underground rated to like 35kV, versus 69kV for above ground.


TacTurtle t1_ixe7g73 wrote

2200mcm high voltage cable is running closer to $11-15 per foot, uninstalled. You are talking triple or quadruple that for underground rated cable

Each phase would running multiple cables, so $11 x 5 x say 6 runs per phase x 3 phases = $990-1350 per for cable alone, uninstalled without external conduit.



Trenching and laying pipe or cable subsurface is $800-1000 per foot in existing public right of way without additional permitting cost or fill.

Add in 360 degree thermographic inspection, that’s probably another $10-20 /foot.

Then for buried HV cable you need like a 200 foot corridor for safety, so that is like $1000-2000 per foot even at a modest $25,000 / acre


TacTurtle t1_ixe6x4r wrote

Stepping up and down DC voltage is vastly more expensive than AC, which can use simple current transformers.

Only way HVDC makes real economic sense would be for a few key trunk lines, and even then it is pretty dubious vs standard AC since you would still need a substantial inverter at the end to make wall-outlet AC for most demand.