
TaftIsUnderrated t1_iu1z23e wrote

And book stores make bank selling "banned" books. A lot of the book banning fear mongering has been a marketing ploy.

And most actually banned books are banned because of copyright violations.


TaftIsUnderrated t1_iu1ci04 wrote

Where do urbanites think their wealth comes from? It's not art galleries or hip coffee shop; it's banks, insurance, and financial managers. Look at the skyline of any major city, all the skyscrapers have are named after finance companies.

These finance companies take money from the surrounding area, concentrating it in a city, then act charitable when they give a pittance back. This is just modern day mercantilism.


TaftIsUnderrated t1_ir18go8 wrote

That's total amount being produced, not profits.

Also if we had to pick a metric to base our agricultural system on, I would rather have a system that tries to maximize production based on money, not one that tries to maximize production based on calories - because then we would only be eating bread and rice.