
Tail_Nom t1_jdz2xp2 wrote

I'm not going to accuse you of using. If you were using we'd see repeated evidence.

My first instinct would be to grasp your arm and press with my thumb while looking you in the eye for your reaction to the sensation. TBH, that'd be my compulsion is that was on my arm, too (minus the eye-looking part).

Good on you for donating plasma! Don't let any smooth-brain or pervert detract from that.


Tail_Nom t1_jdgisds wrote

C'mon... no it's not. It fucking should be, but it isn't. You and I both know dude is just justifying his self-serving bullshit. A petty dictator with (if there is a just and loving god) an impotent, limp dick. Positions of authority should offer no reward; public service should be service.

As it is, law enforcement and public office attract petty tyrants. "No person capable of getting the position should, under any circumstances, be allowed to hold it." It's all fucked up in a very real yet very nebulous way. The best we can do is recognize it, call it out, and recognize as a constituent community that this person has deemed themselves unworthy of the public's trust.


Tail_Nom t1_jdf6dtq wrote

I've heard that about SNW. The principle problem is the same with Seasons 2+ of LD: if I don't watch it, it's a nugget of potentially good Star Trek that, if I don't let it prove to me that it's bad, hypothetically might not be.

Honestly, I rather liked season 1 of Picard. It was a little wonky and the bits that weren't were basically Mass Effect with the serial numbers scrubbed off, but sure. (I've been trying to finish this thought about Picard, but I can't find a way to not be extremely unkind if I say anything else, so I'll stop there.)

Star Trek is just... not mine any more. It broke up with me. If Picard season 3 seems good, because I like this show runner theoretically, we'll get together and have a little fling, but that's about as far as I can take it.


Tail_Nom t1_jdeqp61 wrote

The showrunner this season is the guy who did the 12 Monkeys series, which I quite liked. If opinions I respect stay positive by the end, I'll actually watch it (and give SNW a shot while I'm there).

I wasn't going to. Four seasons of Discovery and Two of Picard and I'm all out of good will toward the thing I used to love.


Tail_Nom t1_jbuo18o wrote

That's cute~ 8:07

Honestly, I find it a bit of charming Star Wars history, the transcription of the alphanumeric names. While I find it a little grating in newer contexts, it reminds me of a better time. You know, before the special editions, before the prequels and before Disney. Star Wars felt different back then.

In any case, it's not really a serious quibble, by willingness to argue the point (and the severity with which I would do so) is in proportion to how hard the other side of the argument wants to engage. S'just a silly thing, and if you care enough to argue the point, we're already on the same side.