
Talalol t1_jaf0p4f wrote

As I lower my cup , a fear penetrates into my soul. Is this my final moment?

A british boy emerges from a closet and says "I can't believe you've done this!"

As I fall to the floor, a faint sound grows louder and louder.

Hee hee



An angel grabs my soul, I see my body below as I am whisked away through the ceiling into the sky above.

The angel looks down at me , with a pale white face and beady eyes. I am Jackson Michael , and I will pass your judgement.

What torment awaits me?


Talalol t1_j5o2fm1 wrote

Squish , squish. My boots were fully engulfed in the mud. Every step forward took extreme effort. I kept my eyes fixated on the genie.

The genie had an apple in his hand , it was rotting away. I had to reach him before it was gone, or I would never see him again.

Barefoot. My boots were lost to the mud. I powered ahead with only one thought in my mind , my wish.

As I reached the genie , I saw he had only a couple of seeds in his hands , a look of disdain on his face. Real bad customer service tut tut.

But my name was not Karen , so I puffed my chest and looked at the genies starry eyes.


The genie looked surprised , he clicked his fingers and vanished. Wow , I thought , I would finally be able to buy a RuneScape GF.

Woosh , a sound was getting closer and closer , I looked around me and saw nothing except the wet marshes and mud.

I looked up , and there is was , a heavy iron safe the size of an elephant hurtling towards me.

My last words were 'shit'. Amazing right.

For every wish granted a new genie is born.

And here I stand before you , ready to grant your wish. With disdain in my eyes for human greed. Freedom awaits for me for any wish I cannot grant. Utter something said before. Come stupid human , I wish to be free.


Talalol t1_j46sjv0 wrote


My name is Darius , and this is my story.

Growing up , I always felt different. People would pass my parents waiting in line to pay for our groceries, we would always be the last to sit on the cart.

When I began school I was bullied , I told my father and he said "don't talk back to them , just be quiet and get along!". He seemed like such a coward to me.

"Why are we different mother?" I questioned. "Son, where are your cousins? Where are your aunties and uncles? Have you never thought about how we are alone here. Your father brought us here for a better life. Our own land is not a safe place for you , for us. Work hard and become like those people out there. Keep your mouth closed and your eyes open. We are here now , we are safe here."

I remember clearly , it was a sunny day , birds were chirping outside. Father had gone to get some milk. But he took so long. He never took this long. As day turned to night , and night back to day again, my mother and I knew something was wrong.

Knock knock , my mother opened the door. Standing there was a local guard , a letter in his hand and a bag of gold coins. My mother took these items , read the letter and wept.

"Your father is dead" she said, her voice trembling , eyes rubbed red.

My father was dead? MY FATHER WAS DEAD. Sure he was a coward , but he was invincible, he never got ill , he worked like an ox, how could he leave us?

The letter read "We are sad to inform you of a tragic accident that occured today with your husband. The Duke of (insert generic town name) send his apologies. Please accept this money as compensation for your loss. "


I studied hard. I worked the fields. I became strong like my father. I had to , I had to support mother. After father's death she stayed at home, only moving every so often between her bedroom and the bench outside our home.

"Mother! I got accepted into the school of Magicka! The fees is .. we will pay it off haha, I'll work hard , like you said!"

"Hmm" she said , eyes fixated on the clouds

I had to leave her alone for a couple weeks at a time. The school was far from our home. She managed though , I made sure there were groceries at home , I gave her a clostog , a device that she could talk to me with. Although we never spoke much. She was safe and i was busy making my ...our future better.


I had almost completed my course. I would get a diploma in healing (the cheapest and easiest class to get into). Our university had thrown a party , I was ready for a good time.

The party was great , I had made some friends in my class , they weren't bad to me. I think my generation were much for accepting of people like me , people who looked different to them. I wish my parents could see this.

The music turned down , and there were murmurs in the crowd. "The Duke is here , it's the Duke , I heard he's going to give a speech or something , I hope he gives us some free stuff haha"

"Hello next generation of wizards and warlocks! I hope I don't need to introduce myself! It's wonderful to see so many young , bright faces here today. Please watch this Fvideo on some opportunities you all have to work for the kingdom if you so choose!"

Oh.. another boring Fvideo , how do those things even work? Rays of light shone out of a spherical device ,illuminating the huge wall behind the Duke. This must have been a projection Fvideo , expensive.

I watched it , a drink in my hand, bored out of my mind. I didn't want to work for the kingdom. I would get a private job working in a group for bounties , they always needed a quiet no frills healer. A segment came on of the Duke standing on a parade float as it moved through a busy crowd. People were cheering. Some were not so happy , but they couldn't do much with the guards there.

I saw my father. MY FATHER WAS THERE , IN THE CLIP! The crowd moved a little into the way of the parade and then the clip just changed. They changed the video. Something happened . WHAT HAPPENED !

"HEY WHAT HAPPENED THERE, IN THE CROWD?" I shouted across the hall

"Shut up! What are you doing" my friends said

" Some people love me , but some don't young man. We took care of it haha" the Duke smugly said.

They took care of it? THEY TOOK CARE OF IT? I was frozen , so many emotions ran through me in a flash. Rage , anxiety , confusion.

That's how he must have died. The crowd pushed forward and he got caught in it. One of the guards must have used excessive force. Why else would they give us gold? To pay for our silence?

Dread. Death. I couldn't breath. I wanted to vomit. No thought crossed my mind other than kill. Pent up rage was ablaze in the depths of my soul.

Crunch. Gurgle.

With hazed eyes I looked across the hall. Where had everyone gone? I no longer felt any anger , but contentment.

The stink. Dead rotting bodies. Is this a dream?


oh no, OH NO. I should have stayed quiet. I should have kept my mouth closed and my eyes open. I don't know what's happening. I don't know what to do. Mom help. Father. Anyone. Why is it so quiet?
