
TechNizza t1_jb1r9zg wrote

Totally agree!

  • Lock your vehicle and home
  • Keep protection on you, ideally more than one form (pepper spray, knife, gun, etc)
  • Let people know where you're going if possible
  • Keep a flash light on you when walking at night
  • Stay in groups or appear confident when walking alone

Stay safe out there!


TechNizza t1_j4g856p wrote

Who peed in your Cherios this morning? People are fatigued frome race discussions that are baseless, including PoCs. You make assumptions on the race of people who disagree yet never thought to think that is a racist mindset since you're sorting opinions by race.

Feel free to do the comment/post history to discredit me since you did that to another commenter, but it doesn't change anything stated above.


TechNizza t1_iu9hfjs wrote

And I won't discredit your hardships. I grew up in a trailer park and now just rent houses and apartments. I see both sides of this. Forgiveness is the answer here. They are hurting and so are you. You want to make change then start there. This is class warfare, you need to forgive your fellow soldiers or your oppressors will always win. It's the hardest thing you will have to do but it's the first step to winning the war.

It would be nice to have a journalist with integrity cover this for the sake of the people.


TechNizza t1_iu9ahbx wrote

Reddit is a perfect example of divide and conquer. If the commenters here could band together, you could make positive change for each other. You are attacking the wrong people. You need to come together as one and fight your oppressors instead of arguing over who has it worst and demeaning those who are noncomplacent about the issues.

Wake up people!