
TechnicalOtaku t1_jdtoey3 wrote

basically they paste a full face onto another face. even if they do it convincingly there are still some issues around the exterior of the faces, so past the eyebrows etc. if it was a painting, look between the framing and the face. there will be something that doesn't look quite right. is this case, look for the hairline and the eyebrows. if something between those look a bit odd. it might be fake. i know it may seem vague but once you catch it, you'll understand what i mean.


TechnicalOtaku t1_jdtg5bd wrote

i don't know if that's an actual quote, but it's a beautiful sentiment that could at least bring a positive note to an otherwise bad thing.


TechnicalOtaku t1_jdt8s7k wrote

if you know what to look for they're still fairly easy to catch/notice, but those are really low end deepfakes. the genuine good ones that take considerable computer power are a lot more difficult to spot but you can still notice, give it another 5-10 years though and i am afraid you'd need almost an anti-deepfake algoritme to spot them.


TechnicalOtaku t1_jdt7ufu wrote

what ? that makes absolutely no sense. and it seems like everyone in the comments agres, yet this post still get upvotes. Another proof the people that follow these motivational channels can't think for themselves, it's a cult almost. they just think "oh shit this is deep" it elevates them, thinking they can get far in life just because of commitment and buying these scam self help books. "how i made 10 million" yes... 9 million of those 10 were cause he sold books promising wealth to easily influenced people.


TechnicalOtaku t1_jdpix03 wrote

i only wake up to them because it's quite literally impossible not to unless you're in a coma or dead. this means absolutely nothing. But that's the case for 99% of "motivational" stuff. it's all braindead stuff made up by someone who's never actually been depressed


TechnicalOtaku t1_j3am0b5 wrote

I agree with this sentiment. 1 reason can be enough to make you hold on but this is a very lousy picture to make the point. How about you turn the balloon into a zeppelin ? cause it has to be a massive or important dream to overcome that much adversity.