
Techygal9 t1_j9gqafr wrote

A couple of confounding factors would be that parents rated executive functioning skills of the preschoolers vs a test (if possible researcher blind) to look at various executive functioning skills. Another would be that parents who advocate impulse control have normal weight kids and those who don’t have overweight and obese kids since brains grow based on how our parents and environments shape us. An example of this would be parents who make kids wait until dinner to eat and don’t allow endless snacks, maybe the child has to choose between candy or a soda. This would help children develop executive functioning skills. Parents with obese kids may not have limits around food, causing the skills not to develop (ie are you hungry or bored when you want a snack).


Techygal9 t1_j5p1bym wrote

Makes sense for SA, since Russia needs to sell its oil, after being cutoff in Europe they are looking into the South African market. Since SA has power cuts they really need a power source to stabilize their economy. If they utilize their ports and figure out how to ship Russian oil to other countries in Africa it could be highly beneficial for the SA economy.


Techygal9 t1_iussqeu wrote

I think you’re being purposely obtuse about this. But bmi norms have ranges that can be 20 to 50lbs depending on your height. For athletes they may fall into the overweight category because of dense muscles. But their doctor would use bmi in conjunction with circumference of the neck/waist or body fat tests. That’s where the other 13% accuracy comes from.


Techygal9 t1_iurvxl6 wrote

I don’t know where people got this notion that bmi doesn’t work or is completely wrong. From some research I had to replicate it’s about 87% (using ARC) accurate on its own to predict metabolic disorders, likelihood of hospitalization, and premature death. But that accuracy goes up when you add measures like waist circumference for women and neck circumference for men.

There are different bmi measures that should be used for different racial groups or sex, but those bmi scales are LOWER not higher.


Techygal9 t1_iuot4r5 wrote

This study comes from an opinion based idea of health: > Over the past few years, the Nutrition and Food Sciences Department at UVM has shifted away from a weight-normative mindset, adopting a weight-inclusive approach to teaching dietetics. The approach centers on using non-weight markers of health and wellbeing to evaluate a person’s health and rejects the idea that there is a “normal” weight that is achievable or realistic for everyone. If society continues to perpetuate weight normativity, says Pope, we’re perpetuating fat bias.

In other words they have a problem with the fact that people on TikTok advocate weight loss for health…. And they deny how large a factor that is in determining physical health.