
TellMeHowImWrong t1_izordnj wrote

Reply to comment by dirthurts in reshape a coiled cable?? by dirthurts

I don't think so. They're made to avoid burning people so I doubt it would get hot enough. Do you know anyone that might have a heat gun? There was an on site mechanic/general handyman at my old work so I asked to use his and he helped. Took us less than a minute with the heat gun so you won't need to borrow it for long.

Just a few points:

The cable will be HOT afterwards. Leave it for a while before you touch it.

Make sure you're not pointing the heat gun at anything flammable. Don't put it down on anything flammable when you're done.

If the cable starts smoking you've heated it up too much so stop. Try not to breathe it in.

Don't heat near the jack.

If you want to shape it with something while it's hot. Don't use your fingers.

I know that's just common sense stuff but I imagined reading tomorrow's headline: AUDIOPHILE BURNS TO DEATH IN HOME AFTER TAKING ADVICE FROM SOMEONE ON REDDIT and thought I better cover myself.


TellMeHowImWrong t1_izo36wx wrote

Heat gun works. I converted my extra long straight cable to a coiled one by wrapping it round a pole and blasting it with a heat gun then flipping the cable inside out. Be careful though because you can melt right through if you're not careful. And get someone to help you unless you want to cook your fingers trying to hold it steady.