
TerraKorruption t1_j6mfbcb wrote

This is why I find it easier to just not talk to people. It's far too easy to say something that somebody, somewhere, will choose to take offense to. Even if they aren't part of the conversation and just overheard it.

Freedom of speech doesn't seem to be a thing these days, because if you say something and some other person gets the wrong end of the stick, well tough shit. YOU'RE still the person at fault, YOU'RE still the person held responsible and YOU'RE the one in the wrong.

Fuck that noise


TerraKorruption t1_j6815nc wrote

Watching tiktoks and reading reddit for a good 30 minutes.

My man, this TIFU is no longer a FU. Your business has probably caked and dried on your ass by now so you'd likely be safe to go find TP.

and even if it hasn't, so long as your not holding a log between your cheeks it's not like shit is gonna just drip out all over the floor.

Either way, ALWAYS check for TP first and keep the backup rolls near the fortress of solitude Incase of emergencies