
TerryJerryMaryHarry OP t1_iwhpc2w wrote

I understood them because you're using a 6th grade vocabulary to sound intelligent, I feel like I'm reading a problem where a middle-schooler had to use vocabulary they used in a sentence 🤣

Edit, don't be a grammar nazi to sound intelligent "because your using" changed to "because you're using" so you can finally coom to good grammar


TerryJerryMaryHarry OP t1_itnv2oi wrote

That's like saying elon musk has 257 billion dollars. No dumbass, he is WORTH 257 billion dollars, in reality he has less than 10 billion dollars. He has tons of property although. The NOAH center has quite alot of worth, sure, but lets see it as a house, feasibly you could list the center as a 12 bedroom house, which goes for over 100 million on the market. So that accounts for atleast 18 million of the capital, a further 500k goes to the price of the land owned. The rest goes to the vehicles, and medicine they need. Also they're a NON-PROFIT. They only earn money by donations.

Also I saw that you commented this on my two other posts? Who does that? So much effort just to get people not to donate to animals in need? Shame on you.

Also I don't represent NOAH, but they do have to maintain their facilities, pay employees, pay for medicine and contracts with pet companies. Seems you just hate animals, buddy
