
Test_After t1_j23yr9o wrote

I came to the conclusion Collodi was the kind of person that woke up by some roadside with a sore head and empty pockets, so wrote another chapter of that puppet-boy thing as fast as he could, so he could get an advance from the newspaper that published it, drank said advance late ito the night, woke up by the roadside with a sore head.


Test_After t1_ix22oz2 wrote

Also, the movie highlights something the book didn't - he was in love with a woman who didn't/couldn't deal with the locked-in situation, and his amanuensis was his loving but unloved wife, who found out about the affair because of the accident. Awkward.

TIL That his publisher provided the amanuensis, and a ghost writer. And the director of the film decided to focus on the first wife and write out the current lover, who visited him fairly often actually.