
TetraCubane t1_ja21voo wrote

Yep, pretty much Malcolm Xs experience in Mecca showed him that everyone from all races, ethnicities, nationalities are equal under God. He didn’t see any special lines for white people, asians, black people, etc. (Pretty much why there was a recent uproar a few years ago when there was a stampede because there was plenty of space that could be used but was closed off for royalty and billionaires).


TetraCubane t1_j6yobls wrote

You realize the tactics they used would be to fund one gang or cartel against another then eventually that gang/cartel becomes the bad guy.

We have people here in the US who want to consume cocaine. If you don't want Pablo Escobar to become a billionaire by making it and smuggling it here, you let Merck and Johnson&Johnson make it and sell it at CVS.


TetraCubane t1_j6yd0ur wrote

We need to change our foreign policy to something that doesn't make people want to leave the country they live in.

We are paying the price of the bullshit we were doing in the 70s-80s.

We should not care if countries in Central America or South America want to be communist. Don't get involved.

We should not care if countries in Central America or South America want to be narco-states. Don't get involved.