
ThatWendyGirl11 t1_jaewf40 wrote

5 or so years ago now, my parents drove here to give me their ~8 year old Honda (it's still going strong). My dad was the only name on the title, and the RMV let me register it in Mass in my name without any taxes. It still ended up being a snafu because Dad wrote the mileage down wrong on the title so we had to get a notary to sign off on it. A very helpful lady at the RMV ultimately got us all set on the family transfer, probably helped along by the fact my dad and I have the same last name and sort of the same face.

TLDR just find that one super helpful lady from several years ago at the RMV and you'll be all set.


ThatWendyGirl11 t1_j8ias04 wrote

As an MIT grad student, I can tell you the MIT situation. The Vassar Street cafeteria (in the Stata Center) at MIT isn’t great, agreed. Pre-pandemic the Broad Institute cafeteria across the street from the Stata Center was good. There also used to be a little lunch setup in one of the biotech buildings next to Stata, but I’m not sure it came back after the pandemic.I think Sloan also has a cafeteria? Finally, the MIT student center has a cafeteria-like set-up on the 2nd floor, but the whole building is inaccessible due to a burst water pipe.

If you want a nice corporate cafeteria, befriend someone at Google and have them invite you over for the free lunch. That is pretty nice.


ThatWendyGirl11 t1_j6y86il wrote

Reply to comment by bristollersw in Best meals under $10? by candleruse

It's why I go there! The beer punch is also in the sweet spot of the price-alcohol content-taste matrix, at least when you're with other people. I mean, ALSO, brunch is cheap and doesn't require standing in line. It might be my favorite restaurant.


ThatWendyGirl11 t1_j6wpfdt wrote

Wait, is Thai Hut in Porter Square open again? I thought they've been gone since COVID.

To answer your question: for about $10 I can get the regular size sub at Al's in Kendall or a HUGE one for $13. At Beantown Tacqueria, a "small" burrito is approximately $10 (maybe $11 with tax?), and I think it costs similar at Olé in Inman. The last time I was at Cambridge Common, the burger with fries was still just under $10, although tax and tip push up that cost. You can get a large pizza for < $10 at Domino's, although usually I'd rather just get slices from Pinocchio's. And if you go to Market Basket, the prepared sandwiches, pasta, and salads are all south of $10, but Daily Table has stupidly cheap prepared food, like $5 for rice and chicken.