
ThatsRobToYou t1_j1vbbso wrote

Doctors just want to practice medicine. They don't want to have to worry about medical coding, billing, IT, and the other administrative functions that can be prohibitively expensive to hire people for.

They join MD groups because all of that is taken care of for them.


ThatsRobToYou t1_iys0uc6 wrote

Yeah I'm sure that would work. It'd be weird, but you should be fine. Bring both so the bouncer has two documents that will corroborate if he's confused.

If a passport is good enough for the DMV and customs , it will be good enough for a bar.

Edit: I should add, it would be weird if you're American, but it's a perfectly valid identification. If someone came from overseas it would make a lot more sense. It would totally work though.


ThatsRobToYou t1_ix89kgk wrote

It's not great, and I would expect it to be even worse with airline issues and holidays.

I've flown five times within the last few months, one international. Literally each one has crazy lines. Thank God for pre screen and Clear.