
TheAngloLithuanian t1_j6piqcj wrote

Reply to comment by UKKasha2020 in People who are pro life, why? by sia_q

Once again, give me the exact time you (Or science) says a fetus becomes a baby.

Oh wait! You can't. Because there is no clear answer.

>It's dishonest to compare what's aborted, typically a >12 week old fetus and often not even big enough to be seen when passed, to a living breathing feeling human being.

No its not at all. The 12 week old fetus IS a human being. Just not developed yet. No amount of classification or emotive language from either side will change that.

>As is often said...if only pro-life cared as much about living breathing human beings, actual babies or their parents, as the 'unborn babies'

I care about both of them equally. I don't support murdering toddler just the same as I don't support murdering a unborn child.

>aka a collection of cells without consciousness or feeling.

...So its ok to murder someone as long as they haven't experienced life yet? ... Take a good moment and think about just how fucked up that logic is.


TheAngloLithuanian t1_j6pe1fe wrote

Reply to comment by UKKasha2020 in People who are pro life, why? by sia_q

>It's a fetus.

>Thus why it's called a fetus.

A fetus is an unborn baby. After a few months/weeks/days (Or whatever stage it is at) when it pops out of that womb its a baby.

Ans what stage in your eyes does a fetus become a baby? When its head gets out of the womb? When is cord is cut? Like it or not, killing a fetus/embryo is literally just killing a baby in all but name.


TheAngloLithuanian t1_j6pc95j wrote

Simple, because I wouldn't let someone kill a newborn so why would I let them kill a fetus? Like it or not, in the end that fetus IS a baby.

And for people who say "what id the baby will grow up in poverty", that isn't an excuse, because that that logic you could murder little kids of poor families to save them the burden of growing up in poverty too.

Offer to the chance for the average poor child or adult to kill themselves and see how many take you up on that offer. Not much, why? Because most people want to live. It shouldn't be your choice to decide whether or not they should live based on what their ecomomic situation could be.

Although I am pro-abortion IF the baby a high chance of killing the mother.


TheAngloLithuanian t1_j2r49pp wrote

I see nothing wrong here as a Christian. If regular people can get married and go to heaven, why can't monks and nuns?

They are clearly still much more devoted to God then the average family and God never said anything along the words of "Don't leave living in isolation or else", so literally nothing in the bible is broken by them being together.

In fact, I have a feeling a happy ending like this is exactly what God would like seeing.